Alyssa Villa Alyssa Villa

When I seek a relationship with myself, I can then show up for others.

Mantra: When I seek a relationship with myself, I can then show up for others.

We have a balancing of the male (Mars) and female (Venus) energies as this Full Moon shines her light on what it is we need to shift and take action towards (Aries) and what we need to balance in order to feel and acknowledge who we are with discernment around how we show up in our relationships (Libra). We will also be having a conversation about the North Node in Aries and the South Node in Libra. North Node in Aries is calling us to find our leadership and identity to bring into the world and South Node in Libra is calling us to release the relationships that are holding us back and recognize when we are giving ourselves up to keep the peace.

Then dance between the divine masculine and the divine feminine will be playing out for the next year. I believe it to be very healing and needed. Will it be comfortable not always but that is where growth takes place. I took an astrology class last night and the teacher said, “If you have to choose between being uncomfortable and comfortable, choose to be uncomfortable because that is where the growth is. Change is just that it changes… easier said than done. If we show up with the intention of positive growth and acknowledge the negative we can heal. Remember you have a choice. The Universe does not judge.  Whatever your choice is, be gentle with yourself, surround yourself with supportive people, and when you can’t, cultivate from your practice of yoga or meditation how to stand in your presence.  This is a continuous journey meandering or sharply zig-zagging back and forth. I believe that the foundational principles of being human are pain, growth, and finding love inside and out. 

Dance, walk in nature, smile at someone you don’t know, and then listen to your inner voice from the belly!

“The land is the real teacher. All we need as students is mindfulness”  Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding SweetGrass

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Alyssa Villa Alyssa Villa

Peaceful Growth

Cultivating a sense of peace on your mat today by exploring moving with fluidity. Bringing the quality of fluidity through the breath, movement transitions, and shape of the asanas that you are expressing today.

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Alyssa Villa Alyssa Villa


Home has different meanings for everyone.
Friday January 6th, the first Full Moon of 2023 in Cancer.
Reflecting on the meaning of home personally and collectively.

A time to intentionally check in with yourself. How can you reflect on your needs and emotions so that you are not over-committing and over-giving? Releasing what does not serve you in your growth.

Slowing down and resting in January is food for the soul. Mercury and Mars retrograde just might be the teachers this month navigating us through this Full Moon. The call to turn inward and not rush but to feel the rolling and connectivity of the water element (Cancer, the crab)

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Alyssa Villa Alyssa Villa


How can we have patience as the energy speeds up around us?
Pigeon is one way to get close to the earth and explore opening the hips to manage our energy to listen, voice our ideas and communicate with our local community or neighborhood? (Gemini themes)

Gemini can stir up our energy in different directions. Being curious about it all. This can leave us feeling mentally exhausted (Gemini is an air sign) Be careful of gossiping. The shadow side of gemini!

Write your ideas down, and maybe you write down what you want to communicate before you voice it. Mars is retrograde and sitting right next to this full moon. (a conjunction) Retrogrades ask us to turn inward and reflect, reorganized and rethink in this case next to an air sign (our intellectual and mental energy)

Mars wants to pull forward sometimes aggressively and other times with great motivation to do and manifest. Listen to both sides of the coin this Full Moon and maybe pull some energy in from Taurus (earth) where the moon was passing through yesterday:-)

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Alyssa Villa Alyssa Villa

Accept and smile…

Accept and smile…

I put up Kerin’s tip video yesterday and it was one of our bloopers :-)
If you listened to the previous post you know our process and our authentic selves. Human!
Authenticity! Being true to ourselves individually and collectively.
Be you!

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Alyssa Villa Alyssa Villa

I am exploring new horizons…

I am exploring new horizons…

How sweet it is to have this New Moon in Sagittarius. Optimistic. Energized. The Seeker.
Exploring new ways of seeing and exploring the meaning of life is a gift.

Sagittarius reminds us to expand our horizons from a place of truth and higher learning. Careful not to get caught in the notion that one philosophy is the only one. Feel the creativity of future possibilities as you plant new moon-seed thoughts and visions.

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Alyssa Villa Alyssa Villa

I am open-minded

I am open-minded

The total lunar eclipse in Taurus is still with us and will be for the next six months in different waves of consciousness and change.

Slowing down and being mindful about how our goals and safety bring clarity to our life on and off the mat. Taurus rules the body, self-care and being mindful how we value our mind/body connection.

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Alyssa Villa Alyssa Villa

I am present in my body

I am present in my body

Tomorrows Full Moon in Aquarius (possible to be feeling now) is reminding to change our perspective so we can be open to new ideas, communication, community and the future possibilities.

Hope & Wishes

Where are you feeling the freedom in your body and soul on and off the mat!

Always an exploration even if it’s walking through a prickly wooded area. It’s worth finding the clearing and clarity on the other side

I love this quote:

“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”

Albert Einstein

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Alyssa Villa Alyssa Villa

Restoring balance through the heart...

Hope you are all having a heartful summer in these changing times we are all experiencing.
Listen, feel and envision the life you would like. Yes, it takes work, responsibility for one’s actions and catching the moments of inspiration that are always present. Truth!
Nature is medicine:-)

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Alyssa Villa Alyssa Villa

Embracing the moment…

Mantra: Embracing the moment…

How can we embrace the moment in mind, body and soul? Accepting grace even for a brief moment in time and space feels peaceful. Catch this feeling when you can:-)

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Alyssa Villa Alyssa Villa

Being in the moment

Mantra: Being in the moment

Easier to say and write then do depending on our mindset, body and time/space.

With the moon in Taurus today, there is time to create a cozy space, cook or enjoy a good meal, garden or take a walk in nature to connect with this archetypal energy.
Creativity and growth begins with flexibility and adaptability.
Self Care, Self Worth. Self Love. Ingredients for being in the moment. Always choice and hard work.
Taurus can be stubborn and not want to change but there is value in exploring this as well:-)

Have a blessed day!

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Alyssa Villa Alyssa Villa

Being Present

How can we meet ourselves where we are at in mind/body and soul and then meet others from that same place of being?


Grateful for the people and teachers who have made Imagine Yoga a place to just be.

Mantra this week: Being present.

How can we meet ourselves where we are at in mind/body and soul and then meet others from that same place of being?

“There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about.” - Margaret J. Wheatley

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Alyssa Villa Alyssa Villa

I am…

What is your intuition telling you?

Happy Summer Solstice!

Mantra: I am…
What is your intuition telling you?

The beginning of every season ushers in cycles of shifts, releases, change, growth, new beginnings personally and collectively.

The Cancer archetype initiates the Summer Solstice. Reminding us to create through our emotions and intuition thus taking time to nourish our self, our inner healer and our home inside and out.
Being mindful to meet every new season as a new chapter and opportunity to grow and reflect how we’ve grown since the March equinox. Without judgment! Sometimes that is the hard part but the gentleness of Cancer can guide us to a space of nurturing and build a sense of belonging through honoring one’s self in mind, body and soul.💖🙏

Enjoy with love, harmony and divine grace!


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Alyssa Villa Alyssa Villa


How can I/we pause to acknowledge new intentions or beginnings.

Mantra for this week:


How can I/we pause to acknowledge new intentions or beginnings.

New Moon in Gemini. May 30

Letting the energy from the mind move into the body to express through your voice or writing. (choice)

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Alyssa Villa Alyssa Villa

My body is my home…

The Mantra this week reminds me to give gratitude to my body, our bodies. Our body holds our soul and our body consciousness sustains us in reflection, release, reinventing and rejuvenating.

Mantra: My body is my home…

How do we take care of ourselves?

The Mantra this week reminds me to give gratitude to my body, our bodies. Our body holds our soul and our body consciousness sustains us in reflection, release, reinventing and rejuvenating. We are born to evolve 🙏 Easy to say. Hard to do but so worth it.

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Alyssa Villa Alyssa Villa

I am centered

I am centered ✨ How can we come back to center when the wave gets too big?

Mantra this week at Imagine…

I am centered✨
How can we come back to center when the wave gets too big?

Our bodies are in a constant rhythm of expanding and contracting. Within that movement we can explore the feeling, sensing and being of our center. Yoga, movement, dancing and breathing are some of the creative ways to find our center as we expand and contract internally and externally. Bringing one’s self back to a place of center is empowering in times of reflection. Finding center on a daily basis is a practice.

Enjoy 😊

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Alyssa Villa Alyssa Villa

The Movement of Breath

We are now in Taurus season. This archetype is calling us to embody our senses and connect with nature. Noticing the connection with our breath to rejuvenate, restore and reconnect with mind, body, and soul.


The Movement of Breath

We are now in Taurus season. This archetype is calling us to embody our senses and connect with nature. Noticing the connection with our breath to rejuvenate, restore and reconnect with mind, body, and soul.

The in-breath, the return movement of the breath

Sustaining life

The out-breath

Purifies life

So simple yet so hard. Softening our body has an empowering effect on the breath to create movement within the body, awaken our senses, and connect to our heart space.

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Alyssa Villa Alyssa Villa

I am grateful!

At Imagine Yoga our intention is to hold sacred space to develop one’s yoga practice, embrace the breath, meditate and explore different ways to connect and learn about self-care and creativity.

I am grateful!

Stay tuned for retreats coming up. I am honored to be partnering with Soul Sisters Travel

As I was walking today after working with a client, I was reminded in times of turbulent circumstances that there is order out of chaos. We are healing the past individually and collectively. I have been studying astrology for over 20 years and am always amazed by the trends, cycles, and energetic patterns that arise on all levels of the human condition. At Imagine Yoga our intention is to hold sacred space to develop one’s yoga practice, embrace the breath, meditate and explore different ways to connect and learn about self-care and creativity. Myself and the teachers at Imagine Yoga are always studying and creating passion for further expertise and personal growth.

Join us for PlayShops exploring Astrology, Dream Work, Qigong,
Yoga for Runners and Cyclists and Functional Movement.

Private sessions with Nancy: Astrological Conversations, Somatic Movement and Yoga.

“Myth and nature are the two great garments of the world, with nature being the living green garment that covers the planet and myth being the multidimensional, many-colored fabric that continually weaves human culture.” Micheal Mead

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Alyssa Villa Alyssa Villa

Bharita: The sense of being nourished

Following our senses can be a beautiful guide to creating time, space and a nourishing environment within ourselves to live each day.

Following our senses can be a beautiful guide to creating time, space, and a nourishing environment within ourselves to live each day. (easier said than done) We can start from wherever we are without judgment to welcome each and every sense (sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste) to create nourishment as we move through our day. We all get caught in the lower vibrations of jealousy, envy, control over others, and being unkind at times in our life. These lower qualities of the human condition lower the ability to nourish ourselves. Bringing in Bharita (a sense of nourishment) raises our energy in a way that gives one self-love, creative energy, and the ability to give to others what you give to yourself. Meditation, breathing fully, walking in nature, movement/yoga, and maybe cooking a meal for yourself and another brings light to our consciousness thus creating a space to welcome our senses and give nourishment to self and others.

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