About Imagine Wellness
I now believe this is what I've been working towards since I was sixteen. I started dancing when I was five and I read my first yoga book and started meditating when I was sixteen because I was feeling anxious about life. This lead me to my dance career both as a teacher, performer and my own healing journey.
My path has been very diversified. I am grateful for the educational and personal learning that I have experienced and will continue on that trajectory for the rest of my life.
I will always be a dancer/yogi living in the studio, out of the studio, on my mat, and off my mat. I am fortunate to have eperienced and developed relatinships with both amazing dancers, yogis and healing practioners of all modalites. They have all enriched my experience as a woman, teacher and business owner.
I worked in the NYC Public Schools (inner city) with student’s, teachers, colleagues, communities, and different cultures from all over the world for fifteen years. I was sad when my teaching artist career shifted and with choice came to an end. I had to dig deep to embrace and trust that the next chapter would unfold. So I stepped into the unknown.
I struggled deeply on all levels as I sat with myself in solitude many days and nights. I was reminded that the struggling throughout life is where all the good stuff lives and the healing begins. I believe this is where human and spiritual potential resides or collides, calling to be birthed or re-birthed from the seeds of reflection, truth, and facing one's self both through the shadows of self and with discipline to a heightened awareness of mind/body/soul. Oh, yes this is the continued journey of life as we grow, evolve and learn through relationship with self and others.
Imagine Wellness is a place and community where connection to self and others is embraced, where learning and cultivating a sense of belonging and continued growth are encouraged. Curiosity is sacred at Imagine Wellness because that curiosity keeps us exploring the healing and connection within the mind, body and soul. Exploring the science and art of yoga/movement, exploring the human condition through astrology, the somatic and psychology connections and healing through holistic coaching are three healing and creative modalities that I am passionate about to share with people from all walks of life. I look forward to having conversations with community members and friends as I embark on the journey of creativity, wellness and building community through yoga/movement, astrology. and holistic coaching.
Much love & light,
Offering Private Astrology Sessions