How can we have patience as the energy speeds up around us?
Pigeon is one way to get close to the earth and explore opening the hips to manage our energy to listen, voice our ideas and communicate with our local community or neighborhood? (Gemini themes)
Gemini can stir up our energy in different directions. Being curious about it all. This can leave us feeling mentally exhausted (Gemini is an air sign) Be careful of gossiping. The shadow side of gemini!
Write your ideas down, and maybe you write down what you want to communicate before you voice it. Mars is retrograde and sitting right next to this full moon. (a conjunction) Retrogrades ask us to turn inward and reflect, reorganized and rethink in this case next to an air sign (our intellectual and mental energy)
Mars wants to pull forward sometimes aggressively and other times with great motivation to do and manifest. Listen to both sides of the coin this Full Moon and maybe pull some energy in from Taurus (earth) where the moon was passing through yesterday:-)