Yoga Classes
At Imagine Wellness our intention is to create different experiences for you to gain knowledge about your self-care, your yoga practice and a healthy lifestyle. We have created a place and platform for community to thrive in the midst of changing and challenging times. Streaming on-line will be integrated into the vision of Imagine Wellness as we grow our on-line clientele in new and exciting ways. Please let us know if you would like to stream a class or book an appointment through Zoom.
In addition to yoga classes available for every level, we also offer therapeutic movement, meditation, wellness + life coaching sessions, astrological readings/conversation and unique and informative gatherings! Whether you are looking to relax in a yoga class, heal in a movement class, set up holistic life coaching sessions or learn something new, there is always something interesting happening at Imagine Wellness.
Learning alignment in a yoga/movement class through the asanas (poses), exploring movement patterns to enhance the body/mind connection and learning breathing techniques develops a healthy and solid practice, but yoga and movment are also about self-discovery. Taking the time to listen to your body and mind thus forming a friendlier, more generous relationship with yourself/soul self on and off the mat is beneficial to every aspect of life. Astrology and Holistic Life Coaching provides a space to heal through self-discovery and connecting with mind/body/soul on and off the mat.
Know your body. Follow your intuition. Bring clarity to your mind. Nourish your spirit and soul.
Vinyasa Flow
Vinyasa is a dynamic and a traditional style of yoga that uses Sun Salutations and Ujjayi Pranayama breathing to link poses into a creative and continuous flow. This practice cultivates awareness, mindfulness, and presence. Sequencing and poses are alignment oriented, which develops strength, flexibility and balance in equal proportions. Appropriate modifications and use of props are introduced and emphasized. The schedule will have 1 hour classes as well as 1 hour and 15 minutes classes. You can make choices on how you want to practice and create a process of learning as you build a safe and creative practice.
Restorative Yoga
The healing and relaxation of Guided Restorative Yoga & Sound (Singing Bowls) embraces the mind, body and spirit. The restorative poses support sensations within the body consciousness that connect to the qualities of responsive relaxation, compassion and the creative nature of self. Working with sound is an ancient form of regeneration. The bowls harmonize and allow a deep relaxation to both sides of the brain. The beautiful sound and vibration of bowls continues to float for a long time after they have been played.
Benefits of Restorative Meditation & Sound:
* Quiets the mind
* Deep relaxation and muscle relaxation
* Balances the nervous system
* Boosts the immune system
Flow + Deep Stretch
Calm and therapeutic in nature, this class is structured to explore the physical space created in the body with longer held stretches, breath focused flow, and mindful awareness. The class begins with connecting breath and movement and leads into an intelligent sequence with deep stretching. It soothes the spirit and is beneficial for stress relief, of feeling more synchronized in your body and mind, and cultivates an overall sense of well-being.
Yin Yoga
Yin Yoga is a nourishing, soothing, slow, sensory-filled practice that not only helps pacify and down-regulate the nervous system, allowing one to deeply relax, but also lengthens, strengthens, and stabilizes one’s connective tissue, or fascia. Yin is about meeting yourself, mind/body/spirit, at the very beginning of sensation within a pose, stopping to find stillness, and softening there with the support of comfortable props. By moving to points of barely-there sensation within each pose, one can find great benefits such as: hydration of connective tissues allowing for greater ease of movement, increased long-term range of motion, movement of stagnant energy, release toxins, and a deep sense of being restored.
Gentle Yoga
Gentle Yoga class introduces the fundamental principles of alignment and works in sequenced postures linked together with the breath. Students will start on the floor with strengthening and stretching poses. Either on the back, sitting or on all fours. We transition to standing poses, working on stability and balance. The class ends on the floor with more stretches and rest and integrates the class in mind/body/soul.
The teacher guides students through the poses and supports each pose with blocks and blankets when needed and will modify students personally. This class is accessible to everyone. A great class for new and experienced students.
Functional Yoga
Functional Yoga is a unique yoga practice that focuses on strength, mobility, and core muscle activation, rather than flexibility. It's based on the idea that each person's body is unique, and that a "one size fits all" approach doesn't work. Functional yoga can be applied to any style of yoga or exercise practice.
Aesthetics vs. experience:
Within Functional Yoga, there is a recognition of the commonalities and differences in everyones body and they are honored and embraced. Functional Yoga doesn't focus on how you should look when doing a pose but Functional Yoga is more interested in what you experience when doing the pose. Are you feeling the stretch where you want it to be? Are you strengthening the muscles? In short, is it working for you? If it is, it’s functional. If not, you need to change something with the guidance of the teacher and your body awareness. Functional Yoga brings in the element of play and exploration to the movement and Asanas. This is medicine for the mind/body/soul and nervous system.
Slow Flow Vinyasa
Slow Flow Vinyasa is both for the beginner and advanced practitioner. Slow Flow brings in the element of time to the practice. The practitioner has time to sense and feel when a pose can be modified or when a pose can be deepened. The mind/body connection is the man goal when practicing yoga. Slow Flow Vinyasa explores one's personal limitations within their practice and also gives time and space for deepening the exploration in a pose. The breath and transitions between poses are highly emphasized. It feels good to slow down and is healthy for the body.
DISCLAIMER: Not all yoga exercises are suitable for everyone and this or any yoga or fitness program may result in injury. To reduce the risk of injury, consult your physician and closely monitor your participation based upon your individual capacities. The creators, producers, and distributors expressly disclaim any liability for personal injury, losses, or damages related to this program and the exercises and instruction it contains.