When I seek a relationship with myself, I can then show up for others.
Mantra: When I seek a relationship with myself, I can then show up for others.
We have a balancing of the male (Mars) and female (Venus) energies as this Full Moon shines her light on what it is we need to shift and take action towards (Aries) and what we need to balance in order to feel and acknowledge who we are with discernment around how we show up in our relationships (Libra). We will also be having a conversation about the North Node in Aries and the South Node in Libra. North Node in Aries is calling us to find our leadership and identity to bring into the world and South Node in Libra is calling us to release the relationships that are holding us back and recognize when we are giving ourselves up to keep the peace.
Then dance between the divine masculine and the divine feminine will be playing out for the next year. I believe it to be very healing and needed. Will it be comfortable not always but that is where growth takes place. I took an astrology class last night and the teacher said, “If you have to choose between being uncomfortable and comfortable, choose to be uncomfortable because that is where the growth is. Change is just that it changes… easier said than done. If we show up with the intention of positive growth and acknowledge the negative we can heal. Remember you have a choice. The Universe does not judge. Whatever your choice is, be gentle with yourself, surround yourself with supportive people, and when you can’t, cultivate from your practice of yoga or meditation how to stand in your presence. This is a continuous journey meandering or sharply zig-zagging back and forth. I believe that the foundational principles of being human are pain, growth, and finding love inside and out.
Dance, walk in nature, smile at someone you don’t know, and then listen to your inner voice from the belly!
“The land is the real teacher. All we need as students is mindfulness” Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding SweetGrass