Our Blog
The Intersection of Mindfulness, Personal Growth, and Energy Healing
Reflecting about mindfulness, personal growth, and energy healing, I was reminded that each of these practices holds immense value on its own. But what happens when we bring them together? At the intersections of theses practices you can find the magic that develops within us inside and out—at a more profound and deeper level.
Neuroplasticity: The Brain’s Ability to Rewire Itself How Yoga Can Help
Neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections through life. This flexibility allows us to lear, adapt, and recover from injuries and trauma. The brain is not static or fixed; it’s constantly reshaping and remapping itself based on experiences, learning and environmental factors.
Full Moon in Cancer
The Full Moon in Cancer is a time for inner reflection and emotional healing. Cancer is a cardinal water sign ruled by the Moon herself reminding you of your emotional depth and intuitive wisdom. Cancer and the Moon are the rulers of the fourth house of home, family, ancestry, the child within and our innermost sense of safety.
Integrative Wellness Coaching: Healing and Regulating the Nervous System
Integrative Wellness Coaching creates an environment where the client is supported and a holistic approach is provided to regulate the nervous system. This brings balance back to the mind/body/soul through the emotional lens of our experiences in life.
Embracing the Energy of the New Moon in Capricorn: A Time for Personal Growth
New Moon’s are always a moment for fresh starts, new beginnings, and introspection. When aligning with the grounded and ambitious energy of Capricorn, we can slow down to look and feel the extra layers of focus and practicality that can guide us to take some real steps towards your personal growth and long term goals.
Somatic Healing and Life Coaching: A Holistic Approach to Personal Transformation
Wellness & Life Coaching has gained widespread curiosity and popularity over the last couple of decades and has become an effect personal growth tool for helping individuals reach their goals, overcome challenges, work through trauma, thus living more fulfilling lives. Many people in the coaching and therapy communities are discovering and incorporating somatic healing into the coaching process. This partnership between somatic experience and coaching can create profound and lasting change.