Integrative Wellness Coaching: Healing and Regulating the Nervous System
I have a very sensitive nervous system being an Aquarian and having a lot of Aquarian energy in my birth chart. This led me to study and work on integrating and knowing the feelings, mechanics and language of the nervous system my whole life. I love guiding and teaching people to build a toolbox of mindful approaches to healing and getting to know your nervous system thus connecting mind/body/soul.
As we navigate through a society that is fast paced we naturally feel a sense of unstableness amidst the chaos. As they say, there is order out of chaos, and that is how the nervous works through being out of balance and seeking balance. With guidance, support, internal reflection and acceptance we can begin to dance this dance of wellness through understanding and feeling the way the nervous system functions on a daily basis.
When our nervous system becomes overloaded this creates a feeling of anxiety. The result to this feeling can cause tension, sleepiness nights, trauma from the past coming up, and a sense of being out of control instead of feeling the alignment of your own presence of self in the moment. Easer said than done, but we all feel this on different levels and at different times in our lives.
Integrative Wellness Coaching creates an environment where the client is supported and a holistic approach is provided to regulate the nervous system. This brings balance back to the mind/body/soul through the emotional lens of our experiences in life.
My Coaching practice combines mindfulness, somatic therapies, movement, breath- work and humanistic astrology to create a map to re-connect with your soul self (authentic self). Ultimately creating a foundation for lasting clarity and a sense of clam to work through the struggles of life with a responsive energy instead of a reactive energy. When we have the tools to work with, we begin to navigate life from a place of observing or witnessing first then responding with our emotions and thoughts.
This approach is cultivating a mindset that embraces and supports growth, transformation and a deeper connection with your true self.
The next six blog posts on Integrative Coaching will focus on:
The mechanics of the nervous system
Somatic therapies
Breath work (simple and organic)
Until the next post here is a tip:
When you are feeling anxious or ungrounded, take a walk in nature. Take a moment to take some deeper breaths then usual and allow yourself to let the ground beneath feel stable and supportive. Feeling your feet.
To be continued…