Full Moon in Cancer
The Full Moon in Cancer is a time for inner reflection and emotional healing. Cancer is a cardinal water sign ruled by the Moon herself reminding you of your emotional depth and intuitive wisdom. Cancer and the Moon are the rulers of the fourth house of home, family, ancestry, the child within and our innermost sense of safety.
The Nurturing Mother
This archetype is symbolic of the nurturing mother whether soft or not, which has the power to cultivate a strong sense and embodiment around feelings, empathy and protection.
The Sun is in Capricorn until January 20th and is always opposite the sign of Cancer (Cancer/Capricorn axis). Take time to notice and sense the feelings that guide you towards balancing between structure (Capricorn) and emotions (Cancer).
This Full Moon cycle is asking you to re-connect with your roots and reflect how to release that which no longer serves and what might be destabilizing to your inner sense of personal security.
It’s a great time to reflect on the opportunities that connect or re-connect you with the parts of your self that have been kept in a box or neglected. Mindfully honoring that the present emotional foundation that has been built may now need some renovation and rejuvenation. Allow the Full Moon to bring to light an awareness and consciousness that took place since the last Full Moon in Gemini, as you reflect on the needed changes for this cycle of healing and growth.
Sacred Space
The energy of Cancer is connected to sacred space. Creating sacred space is a great way to connect with this Full Moon.
Some ways to create sacred space with the energy of Cancer:
a long sea salt bath
a comforting meal (home cooked)
Spending time with someone you love (and that could be a pet)
Spending with yourself reading a book
Simply being in the comfort of your home
Cancer teaches you to listen deeply to the heart and honor your emotional landscape inside and out.
Mars in Cancer Retrograde
Mar’s is retrograde in Cancer at this time so this is an extra poignant time for reflection, rejuvenation and readjusting that which needs understanding, thoughtful action, self love and calm interactions.
The crab (the symbol for Cancer) sheds it’s shell (home) to create a new one or creates a stronger sense of protection or simply needs to experience a new form of self care.