Yin Yoga to Yoga Nidra

Yin Yoga to Yoga Nidra

Join us for a nourishing, relaxing, and releasing extended practice of Yin and Yoga Nidra. We will be exploring the subtle energy layers of the body starting with modified stretches held for long periods of time, in a Yin Practice. In this relaxed and released state, we will then settle in for a guided meditation of Yoga Nidra, or “yogic sleep.” 

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Pop-Up Restorative Yoga

Pop-Up Restorative Yoga

The healing and relaxation of Guided Restorative Yoga & Sound (Singing Bowls) embraces the mind, body, and spirit. The restorative poses support sensations within the body consciousness that connect to the qualities of responsive relaxation, compassion, and the creative nature of self.

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