Dream. Intuition. Completion.

Are we/you ready to leave behind the experiences and lower expressions of the Age of Pisces (choice)?

We have a once in a life time conjunction between Jupiter and Neptune at 23 degrees in Pisces.

With Jupiter and Neptune traveling very comfortable in this archetype (Pisces) we can connect to the divine feminine and masculine energies and we can also connect to the higher spiritual and creative realms. Our creativity, imagination and dreams are available to enrich our lives with a sense of fluidity (Neptune) and expansive awareness (Jupiter). Virgo (earth) is the polarity point to Pisces (water) encouraging and supporting the grounding of these universal energies. As we keep moving forward, “the roadless traveled” can certainly embody a platform for building inner wisdom and creating spaces for self-worth and self-care. Connecting this energy with ones yoga practice is not only for our physical well being as we focus on stability and mobility in our musculoskeletal system, calmness in our nervous system, and inspiration from our breath but maybe the real practice is in how we walk off the mat into everyday life.


Prayers to Ukraine


Time. Place. Belonging.