2022: Reflection, Restoration and Growth

Hi Yogis, Friends, Movers & Shakers,

Happy New Year and wishing everyone a creative 2022!

As I was walking Koda and Luna and watching the sunset, I was reminded how life ebbs and flows, things come and go, people experience life differently and the seasons keep doing their dance in ways that bring reflection, restoration and growth. The creative process at its best. The space for moving and remembering where we feel the call and need to heal and grow just might be right in front of us. So I sat and watched the sunset, took some breaths and was grateful for the dance of nature.

My vision for 2022 is to keep growing within our community and building a space/studio for continued knowledge about the body, our practice, our well being and fun through the art of being. Together!

I am looking forward to this year of new ideas, community building and creativity through our practice on and off the mat. We have some awesome PlayShops coming up. Please check the website.

With the flare up of Covid, please wear your mask until you get to your mat if you are vaccinated. If you are not vaccinated, please wear your mask while you are practicing.

I have added a daytime restorative yoga class.
This will start on Tuesday, January 18 from 1-2 pm.

Find all details, times and dates on our website: www.imagineyoga.space.

I will leave you with a quote from Amanda Gorman:

“There is always light.
If only we’re brave enough to see it.
If only we’re brave enough to be it.”

Have a blessed day,


Notice. Listen. Create