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Embracing the Energy of the New Moon in Capricorn: A Time for Personal Growth
New Moon’s are always a moment for fresh starts, new beginnings, and introspection. When aligning with the grounded and ambitious energy of Capricorn, we can slow down to look and feel the extra layers of focus and practicality that can guide us to take some real steps towards your personal growth and long term goals.
Full Moon in Gemini: Embrace Change and Clarity
This Full Moon in Gemini (mutable air, ruled my Mercury) invites a wave of mental energy, illuminating our thoughts, communications and connections in the everyday. As with all Full Moon’s it can be a powerful moment to reflect, release and realign. As all Full Moon’s are about reflecting, releasing and realigning, this one is powerfully aligned with looking inward because Mercury as been retrograde and is the ruler of this Full Moon.